Welcomme Wonderland- The Album


Get your kids groovin’ and movin’ to catchy, unique and original kids songs from Welcomme Wonderland!

Featuring two of the most popular kids songs rated highly from the UK Songwriting Contest and the Guild of International Songwriters and Composers- ‘Snap! Went the alligator’ and ‘Can I see your tickets please?’

You will love the look on their faces, singing along to fantastic, feel-good children’s songs. Packed with educational content reflecting the characteristics of effective learning that are delivered through the UK curriculum. This album is the perfect addition for your child’s journey of life! 

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Packed with educational content reflecting the characteristics of effective learning that are delivered through the UK curriculum.

Each of the kids songs reflects a sense of resilience and independent learning. They will encourage you and your kids to be inspired and creative. Add the album to your cart now!

1 review for Welcomme Wonderland- The Album

  1. welcommewonderland

    “The songs are great. I love Harris the hippo the most- It’s performed so well. I love your work- It’s awesome!”
    LM- Australia

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