(Above picture courtesy of Pixabay.com)
The internet opens up a whole world of exciting opportunities for children- learning, communicating and entertainment- use it wisely but keep savvy with internet safety/e-safety. If you’re not sure…. tell an adult!
Below you can find information and links to other websites and documents to help you stay safe online. Become an expert on internet safety by taking time to have a look at our useful links. Just click on the links below to be transported to the link site.
Parents- please click here for a wealth of information and links about keeping yourself and children safe online and using digital devices. Please email me at info@welcommewonderland.com if you have any suggestions for other links about internet safety you think may be helpful.
Please note: All links are to external websites. We are not responsible for the material of these website links or any information/links from them. We are providing these links for education about internet safety purposes only. Please see our Terms and Conditions of website use for more details
Safer Internet Day 2018
Raise awareness with each other to keep safe online and using digital technology.
This year’s slogan for Safer Internet Day is
‘Create, Connect and Share Respect: A better internet starts with you.’
Remember to only use technology, play games and visit websites that are for your age. If you are not sure then use one of the links below to find out- or ask a grown up!!
Safer Internet Day 2018 Quiz– How much do you know?!
SMART Rules Quiz– Can you prove that you are SMART online?
How to be safe and smart online
CEOP Reporting– Has someone done something online that has made you or a child or young person you know, feel worried or unsafe?
CEOP Safety Centre- Advice, help and report centre for young people
Think you know? 8-10 Year olds- Lots of advice about being safe online for children aged 8-10
Suitable Apps– Explore which apps are suitable for you to explore with your parents and family members
Safer Internet videos and links
Young people’s advice on how to make the internet a safe place for everyone
Safety features for Club Penguin and Moviestar Planet– Make sure you are safe!
Kidsmart– Learn how to be a smart surfer and stay safe online
The adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART crew